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Anise, Star Essential oil, Illicium verum, China

Anise, Star Essential oil, Illicium verum, China

Regular price $3.50 USD
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Star Anise Essential oil

Species: Illicium verum Hooker fil., fam. Magnoliaceae (Illiciaceae)
Part: Fruit
Country of Origin: China
Method: Steam Distillation
Class: Phenolic Ester
Perfumery Note: Middle

The aroma is intensely sweet and licorice-like. Although anise oils are used to flavor licorice products they have nothing in common with pure licorice root or extract. Experts describe the flavors of the two materials as widely different. Star Anise comes from the fruit of a native southeastern asian tree, Illicum verum. Both wild and cultivated trees are used.

Caution: For external use only. Keep away from children & pets. Avoid eyes & mucous membranes. If pregnant, consult doctor. Highly concentrated - always dilute with a carrier oil when using on skin. 

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